Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Purpose and Importance of Formative Assessment

According to Rassi (1999), the purpose of formative assessment is to monitor students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills during educational preparation, that is, during the time when students’ basic and professional knowledge, skills and attitude are being formed.

The importance purpose of formative assessment as a training is to move students earning advanced while their learning is still in the process of emerging. This stands in contrast to other forms of assessment which weigh learning after a period of teaching. Formative assessment practice drives as a feedback loop in which both teachers and students can play active, distinctive, yet complementary roles in allowing learning by constantly working to build and consolidate students understanding and skills during the course of a lesson.

The most important thing about the formative assessment is the “minute-by-minute, day-by-day” part. It’s the planned classroom practice of producing evidence of learning at all times in the classroom. Teachers learn what students know or do not know and help students understand what it is they are ready to learn next by doing formative assessment in the class. Therefore, teachers can adjust their teaching method according to the student’s level of intelligence.

Formative assessment is also an on-going process. All of us are aware of the phrase “Practice Makes Perfect’”. This means that the more practice you do, the better you become. Doing this formative assessment also help teacher know the weakness and strength of the students in their classroom. Each student is unique in their own way.


  1. I think your explanation is clear about the on-going process and it is similar to our KSSR system now

  2. The purpose is quiet clear but how is this formative assessment conducted??

  3. hi arul, i will mention how the formative assessment is carried out in my next post. i hope my new post will clear your doubt.
